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Requirements Engineering

Requirements Engineering

Good requirements are the foundation for a successful project.

Professional requirements engineering plays a central role as part of software quality engineering by ensuring that software products are tailored to the needs and requirements of users from the outset. For this purpose, requirements are appropriately identified, adequately documented, verified, coordinated with the customer, and properly managed. This discipline lays the foundation for high quality by defining precise and complete requirements, which forms the basis for development, testing, and assessing software quality. Through the seamless integration of requirements engineering into software quality engineering, development teams can effectively ensure that the end products not only function flawlessly technically but also fully meet the expectations and requirements of users.

Quality starts in the head - with trainings from Software Quality Lab

We offer the following seminars and trainings on this topic in the Software Quality Academy:

Learn more about trainings from Software Quality Academy


How do we see ourselves in requirements engineering consulting:

  • Pragmatically: We are looking for the right mix between detail and agility in requirements engineering.
  • Holistic: Requirements engineering is not just writing requirements. We look "out of the box" and also consider communication, creativity, sustainability, efficiency and other factors that are important for a successful application.
  • Comprehensive: We help you with consulting, coaching, training, appropriate tools and, if necessary, operational support.


We support you in the development of an efficient and effective requirements engineering in both agile and planned procedures:

  • Implementation of a potential analysis in requirements engineering
    In interviews, we analyse the strengths and weaknesses of your requirements engineering and provide suggestions for improvement. In a workshop, we clusters these into projects and create a possible roadmap for implementation.
  • Quick overview analysis and workshop in requirements engineering
    After short interviews, we will develop goals for improvements and criteria for determining the target achievement in a workshop. Together, we define necessary measures and develop a roadmap for implementation.
  • Requirements review
    Our experts will examine your specification in terms of adequate detail, consistency and other relevant criteria. They assess the quality of the requirements by means of a defined criteria catalog and provide suggestions for the improvement of content and structure.
  • Process analysis
    It is useful to analyse the technical processes that should support a system. We help you with workshops for the ascertainment, analysis and model-based documentation of the processes from your system.
  • Creation of a specification sheet
    We support you with the ascertainment and structured documentation of the technical requirements in the specification sheet, as well as in the creation and documentation of the suggested solution to this in the specification sheet.
  • Accompanied advertisement
    We support you in the ascertainment and documentation of your requirements as a contract basis for projects with external suppliers and accompany you through the advertisement until you find a supplier that is suitable for you.
  • Individual workshops and coaching on requirements processes and methods
    We organise workshops on your topics and problems. We bring in our experience, give feedback and help you to find the best solution. Afterwards, we accompany and coach you in the implementation.

    Your benefits

    • Requirements engineering is optimised.
    • Possible applications of requirements engineering in agile procedures are defined.
    • You are coached by experienced consultants and also supported during the implementation phase.
    • You will be faster and more goal-oriented in the specification and implementation of your projects.